
New Habits: Most Important Tasks

The idea of a daily MIT {most important task} is genius and something that I apply on a daily basis at work.  It's the idea that everyday you chose 1 task that must get done and to insure that this happens, you tackle it first thing in the morning.  That way, the rest of the day is free to put out fires or take on creative projects, or whatever else might come up.  But at least you have your MIT taken care of.  SUCCESS!

Typically, I have about 5-10 MIT's in my day but I find that they are absolutely manageable if I apply myself immediately.  This is not entirely true with the rest of my life.  I am embarrassed to say that my husband has to continuously call me at work to remind me to call the fence guy, or mail the letter, go to the bank... you get the idea.  Somehow, my personal life doesn't get the same attention as my work life.  And that sucks.

So... one of my new habits has been to create personal MIT's that I feel will move me in the direction of becoming more of the person that I really want to be.  The loving, charming, energized, beautiful, successful, and happy wife... The patient, funny, warm, available, huggy mom.  Here are my obstacles:

- I'm tired
- I'm freakin' BUSY
- I'm obsessed with keeping a clean house
- I worry
- Time moves at warp speed these days
- I don't always feel present

Some of these statements are true. Some, not so much.  Maybe more perception than reality, but either way, I feel these things dragging me down and I've already begun tackling them.  Here is a snippet of my personal life's MIT's...

My MIT's for the Hub:
love my husband and do it well
be present and available 
be lovable
be beautiful 
be energetic
be successful 
be the helper
be his cheerleader and confidante 
also make him laugh

My MIT's for the P:
be loving and kind and quiet
be funny {and fun}
stop trying multitask
be snuggly and lovey
make her feel safe
be available

Getting more rest, eating better foods for more energy, etc.  But, tonight, I have made my first big commitment {and by this, I mean, it cost MONEY which I always hate to part with}... This weekend I am traveling to Bend, OR to be trained as a TRX Suspension Training Instructor.  What? Why? Huh?  Details coming soon but I promise that, Lord willing, this will play into my personal MIT's and I am stoked for this weekend!  If you are reading this and you are a praying person, send a little one my way.  I will be traveling fearfully and alone {both HUGE deals for me} and I am hoping to come home sore & inspired!  Amen.

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