
New Habits: Making Things Happen at The Thorn's

It's a weird thing that happens to me when the sun starts making its appearance.  My spirit shifts, my mind opens, and my heart beats just a little bit faster {interestingly, the same is true when I go on a date with my handsome hub but that's another story...}.  Okay, so back to being inspired by the sun:

Typically reserved for the New Year, my "new beginning" feeling often makes it's appearance just when my work life begins to spin out of control {aka. Wedding Season}.  My weeks literally fly by and I live weeks in the future, writing wedding statements and recipes for weddings next week and next month.  It's very hard to stay in the present.  It's even harder to get any traction on my own stuff.  And thus, just as I'm beginning to feel open to new ideas, my body says "WHHAAAA!" - - but not this year.

I am beginning a series of new habits including becoming an early {earlier}riser, a diet shift, and in general, committing to making something happen, however small.  Six months ago, I read a statement from Lara Casey {if you don't know this girl, you should!}that spoke to me:


This is so true and it spoke to me in a profound way and I've held onto it waiting to hear more.  I've been praying and trusting and what I know is that I'm ready to take the baby steps.  I'm preparing my body, heart, and mind to stretch further than I'm comfortable.  I will be absorbing wisdom and encouragement from everywhere!  I'll be starting a new series of postings called, simply, New Habits which I hope to get done once a week {another of my new habits}.

Wish me luck!

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