
Pumpkin Patch Edition

May I start this post with some pictures that I took on our walk this morning?  I am so in love with Fall in the NW and this is exactly why...

Thanks for letting me digress.  Now, on to the Pumpkin Patch!  {And yes, that should be capitalized because that's the official name}.  Our favorite pumpkin pickin' joint is out on Sauvies Island so we bundled up and piled in the car {bellies full of Costa Rican tacos - yum!}.  It also happened that Grammer was visiting from Tulsa so we met Uncle Jake, Aunt Marita, and Maddy to spend an afternoon scouring the patch for any pumpkins not yet rotten...

We had a great time and I'm so glad we didn't just skip it this year.  Better late than never.  Bring on November!